Pool Closing Tips for Your Northeast Ohio and Erie, PA Pool

As pumpkins begin to line porches in Northeast Ohio and Erie, PA, it may finally be the time to say “goodbye, for now” to your swimming pool. Closing your pool properly is important, not only for the moment, but for next year’s swimming season. How you close your pool, will impact what condition your pool is in when you open it in the spring. We are here to help with some pool closing tips.

Below are some tips to help you as you prepare to close your pool this fall.

  • Don’t Close Your Pool Too Early: If you have not closed your pool just yet and are reading this, you have not closed your pool too early. Pools should not be closed until temperatures are consistently below 65 degrees. In Northeast Ohio and Erie, PA, our weather usually hits this tipping point in early to mid-October. Enjoy your pool as long as you can, because if closed too early and in the hotter months, it can cause algae to grow and will leave you with an unpleasant surprise when it’s pool opening time.
  • Balance Your Water: Before you close your pool for the season, you should make sure that the water is as clean and balanced as possible. Test the water and get it into the proper pH and alkalinity levels and shock it if needed. The best way to prevent a green pool in the spring and summer, is to ensure your pool is in the proper levels at the time of closing. There are winter kits you can use to help you with your pool closing. At Litehouse, our pool winter closing kit contains the pool chemicals you need to easily close the swimming pool during the winter months.
  • Clean Pool Equipment: It is recommended to clean your pool equipment as you close your pool, so it is ready for you when you go to open the pool. Drain your pump and filter, remove skimmers and baskets, remove and clean ladders and handrails, vacuum the bottom of the pool, clean around the liner, etc. The more you do as you close the pool for the season, the better condition your pool will be in when you are ready to enjoy it next year.
  • Clear Your Water Lines: Like all plumbing, your pool water lines can freeze over the winter, so be sure to empty the water lines. You may add antifreeze to the line, winterize the lines, or use whatever other method you choose. The most important thing is ensuring that there is no water in the lines and equipment, so your pool and it’s equipment is not put at risk over the colder months.
  • Use a Winter Cover: The pool cover you use throughout the year is not the same one you should be using over the winter months. Ensure you have a cover that is suited for the colder months. Winter pool covers are thick, fit over the edges of the pool, and fasten securely so they resist the harsh winter weather. Solar pool covers, are generally thin and designed to keep small debris out of the pool and are not designed for Northeast Ohio and Erie, PA winters.

Let Litehouse Pools & Spas Handle Your Pool Closing for you

While we have provided some pool closing tips for you, at Litehouse Pools & Spas we can handle your entire pool closing process. Our pool service technicians provide complete pool care including opening, closings, regular maintenance packages, and specialized cleaning services. We have highly skilled and certified staff available.

We offer different pool closing packages so you can find one that is right for you. Let us take care of your pool closing and pool opening.

Contact us today to schedule your pool closing.